Greater Shearwater off Cape Cod
Greater Shearwater off Cape Cod
Tree Swallow at DeKorte Park
Tree Swallow at DeKorte Park
Green-Winged Teal at Mill Creek Marsh
Green-Winged Teal at Mill Creek Marsh
Read-Winged Blackbird at Mill Creek Marsh
Read-Winged Blackbird at Mill Creek Marsh
Palm Warbler at Mill Creek Marsh
Palm Warbler at Mill Creek Marsh
Greater Yellowlegged Sandpiper at Island each State Park
Greater Yellowlegged Sandpiper at Island each State Park
Catbird at Lake Hopatcong
Catbird at Lake Hopatcong
Blue Heron at Mahlon Dickerson Reserve
Blue Heron at Mahlon Dickerson Reserve
Mute Swan with Swanlings at Liberty Loop
Mute Swan with Swanlings at Liberty Loop
Blue Heron at Lake Hopatcong
Blue Heron at Lake Hopatcong
Eastern Phobe at Mahlon Dickerson Reservation
Eastern Phobe at Mahlon Dickerson Reservation
American Robin at Lake Hopatcong
American Robin at Lake Hopatcong
Red-bellied Woodpecker at Troy Meadows Reserved
Red-bellied Woodpecker at Troy Meadows Reserved
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet at Garrent Mountain
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet at Garrent Mountain
Winter Wren at Garret Mountain
Winter Wren at Garret Mountain
Willet at Bombay NWR
Willet at Bombay NWR
Bald Eage at Bombay NWR
Bald Eage at Bombay NWR
Sandpiper at Cape May
Sandpiper at Cape May
Laughing Gull Feasting Horseshoe Crab Eggs at Cape May
Laughing Gull Feasting Horseshoe Crab Eggs at Cape May
Red Knot at Cape May
Red Knot at Cape May
Great Egret at Ocean City, NJ
Great Egret at Ocean City, NJ
Downey Woodpeacker at Lake Hopatcong
Downey Woodpeacker at Lake Hopatcong
American Robin at Lake Hopatcong
American Robin at Lake Hopatcong
Great Egret at Ocean City, NJ
Great Egret at Ocean City, NJ
Glossy Ibis at Ocean City, NJ
Glossy Ibis at Ocean City, NJ
Black-Crowned Night-Heron Juveniles at Ocean City, NJ
Black-Crowned Night-Heron Juveniles at Ocean City, NJ
Black-Crowned Night-Heron at Ocean City, NJ
Black-Crowned Night-Heron at Ocean City, NJ
Great Egret Nesting at Ocean City, NJ
Great Egret Nesting at Ocean City, NJ
Black-Crowned Night-Heron at Ocean City, NJ
Black-Crowned Night-Heron at Ocean City, NJ
YellowCrowned Night-Heron at Ocean City, NJ
YellowCrowned Night-Heron at Ocean City, NJ
White Ibis at Ocean City, NJ
White Ibis at Ocean City, NJ
Osprey at Forsythe NWR
Osprey at Forsythe NWR

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